1. Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness.
2. The expression or manifestation of such feeling.
3. A source or an object of pleasure or satisfaction: their only child, their pride and joy.
4. To take great pleasure; rejoice.
5. To fill with ecstatic happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction.
6. To enjoy
(info from www.thefreedictionary.com)

At age 5 Joy walked just fine and did what she could to communicate. We all learned basic sign language, which helped but only a little bit. She did a lot of grunting, pointing and crying. We all got frustrated trying to communicate. But I think it was hardest on Joy.
Doctors told my parents that Joy will not have the mental capability beyond a toddler. This, of course, was hard for my parents to absorb. And my mom fell into a depression. She slept a lot and “hid” in books.
Joy has Mental
Retardation, Tourette Syndrome (TS) and is slightly autistic. She can read
simple children books, write her name and other small words, and talks like a 3
year old. It took her longer to do simple things us parents take for granted.
Like walking (2 ½ years old), potty training (9 years old), talking full
sentences (7 years old)… How hard would that be as a parent?
Disneyland 2004 |
Things that we long for and cherish, she will never get to enjoy. Joy watched me learn to drive and get my license, she watched me fall in love and get married, and she intensely watched my belly grow all 3 times I was pregnant. When I was learning how to drive I remember her always asking “My turn?” and “Can I drive next?” When I was planning my wedding she asked “I get married too?” And when we told her I was pregnant her eyes went from my belly to hers and back to mine again.
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Joy and I at Grandmas |
As time went on, high school came and went. I got engaged at age 22 and was married 6 months later. 2 months after that I found out I was pregnant. When Michael arrived I was surprisingly not nervous about Joy holding him. She did better than I expected! When she held him for the first time I remember her saying “Hi Michael. It’s me, your auntie Joy. I love you.” It brought tears to my eyes.
Holding Michael |
Holding Emily |
Holding Sam |
A little
over a year now Joy has been having problems with her medication. A switch in
the medication landed her in the hospital. It was a VERY hard time for my
family. It has taken about 6 months, but we are slowly getting our Joy back.
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She loves to feed the ducks |
Tiffany, what a beautiful blog. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for your transparency and thoughts. Joy is special...and you are, too, and a very sweet Momma to 3 beautiful babies! :)
I absolutely love this story! How wonderful to have been blessed with a sister like Joy and in turn for Joy to have a sister like you! It takes a very dedicated individual to love someone with special needs. I am so thankful you shared your story with us!
I actually cried reading this. Joy has always held a special place in my heart. I'll never forget her being in my classes at church. She truly did spread joy. It was so touching reading about her from your perspective...from a sibling's perspective. Thank you for writing this!
Thanks for sharing so honestly about your sister Joy and the joy she brings to others. This was a sweet and touching story.
Thanks for sharing this post that demonstrates how we can triumph in the midst of what seems like tragedy. God bless you and your family....including Joy!
This is such a sweet story, Tiffany. I am so glad you took the time to share it. I cared for young girls like your sister, Joy, when I was in my twenties. It was a special time in my life that taught me many lessons. The best lesson was learning to really appreciate these special people. I'd love it if you had the time to stop over and share this story over at WholeHearted Home today :-)
How beautiful and touching is your relationship with your sister. Blessings to you. Thank you for sharing.
How fine! Having such a beautiful relationship with your sister is special and has touched my heart. Our God will continue to care for His child. She has blessed many through your lovely story here today.. I am so glad I came by.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
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